Confession of a Guilty Runner

I never thought I’d be in this position. The end of a long-term relationship, parting ways after years with a wonderful partner. It’s really hard, to move on, but it had to happen. And it was me who decided to do it.

There were signs, particularly in the last year or so, that the relationship wasn’t going to survive. I feel guilty, but more than anything I feel sad. Sad from all the memories I have of the things we did together. We accomplished so much! But it just couldn’t last. I tried everything to keep things going. But there is only so much one person can do to fix this kind of relationship.

So now I start over. Turn a new leaf as they say. I never thought I'd be here, and I’m a little nervous about it. I'm nervous I won't find a new partner, particularly one that will go the distance with me, and one that doesn’t bring me pain.

It’s been years since I’ve been on my own like this. And there is no doubt about it, I’m totally out of my element. I’ve “gone out” a couple of times but haven’t found that special one. I'm trying not to focus on things like looks because, as we runners know, what really matters is sole.  

Goodbye Hoka Stinsons. I will miss you.