As I write this, I realize there is nothing that creates more motivation to write than running itself. If figures, because my running has been lacking as of late. Maybe it's due to my chronic sore groin, or maybe its simply the ebb and flow of my own motivation. One thing I've come to realize is that I can reach out and grab motivation, but I can't always hold on to it. This conversation with myself reminds me of the great Talking Heads song the Great Curve. If motivation where my "world", this song says it all. "the world is near...but it's out of reach...some people touch it, but they can't hold on". I love that song. I used to listen to it really loud in my car.
In any event, I'm signed up for Vermont 100 and Leadville 100 in July and August. Wooohoo! I'm looking forward to both, but not in the way I used to look forward to 100 milers. In previous years the mere thought of training for and attempting a 100 mile race would send a surge of energy through my veins. I would rush out the door and pile mile upon mile into my training. Then my body would simply break down. Maybe I've finally learned more about my body. About my own feeble limitations. My weaknesses.
"...A world of light...she's gonna open our eyes up...A world of light...she's gonna open our eyes up
She's gonna hold it move it hold it move it...Hold it move it hold it move it
A world of light...she's gonna open our eyes up..."
Yes, when my motivation comes around, I'm going to open my eyes up.