UTMB Training. Do I Need a Therapist?

Do you sometimes wonder (I mean worry or freak out) if your training is up to snuff? Whether your doing all the right things to train for your big event? Have you ever felt you might not have the perfect amount of hills, speed, trails, roads, heat, cold, altitude, nutrition, hydration, threshold, lifting, stretching, and recovery in your training? I have.

Today I got some feedback from a good friend. He said that I’m analyzing my training runs too much. He is probably right. He recommended that I just keep moving forward on my runs and stop worrying about all these details. Is that possible? I’m not sure. Is it possible for an anal retentive type A obsessed runner to simply move forward? Hmm...wouldn’t that be moving backward?

Anyway, here are a few pics from today’s run with Rob M (my new therapist). Another UTMB focused training day that came up short on the feet per mile metric that I’m now obsessed with. We left Holy Jim trail head (1,725’) and ran to the top of Santiago Peak (5,689’), twice. Total ascent for the run: 8500 feet. Total miles run: 33. Total ascent per mile: 257.5. UTMB ascent per mile? 300+

Guess I need to just keep moving forward!

Self Portrait--Where is the Prozac?

Rob M sitting on the summit